“NEBULA” an intercollegiate event in Geology, conceptualized in
2011, has become an annual feature of the Department, bringing together
students of Geology of institutes of various states, competing in different
events centered around the subject of Geology.

The Department of Geology has formed a students’ club
“NEBULITES” which regularly organizes subject related activities for students.
To expose the students to field geology, visits are arranged to
places of geological interest within and outside the state of Goa.
The department has organised several lectures by guest speakers
for the benefit of the faculty and students.
Duraiswami, Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Savitribai Phule Pune
University spoke on “Ophiolites on Indus Himalayas” and “Deccan Trap – Physical
Volcanology of lava flows” on 24-07-2015.
Dr Pratima Kesarkar, Geoscientist, National Institute of Oceanography spoke on Career opportunities at NIO for students of Geology” on 27-08-2015
Thamban Meloth, Geoscientist,
National Centre for Antarctica Ocean and Research (NCAOR), Vasco delivered a
talk on “Poles are not Poles apart” on 11- 09-2015.
Dr A G
Dessai, (Retired) Head and Professor, Department of Earth Science, Goa
University, spoke on Geology of Goa: Insights and Challenges on 21-03-2016.
Dr Nisha
Naik, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Goa College of
Engineering spoke on “Seismicity in Goa” on 28-08-2016.
Dr. Rahul
Mohan Gupta, Geoscientist, National Centre for Antarctica Ocean and Research (NCAOR), Vasco
was a invited chief guest for the
opening ceremony of Nebula 2017