Focus on Alumni

Statistics Compiled by: Ajay Terdalker, Jocelyn Fernandes, Evania Dias

The Department of Geology was founded in 1981 by Prof S M Borges, It was a very humble beginning with the first batch comprising of only 5 students and since then department has witnessed several ups and downs in its student strength however the overall trend has been encouraging with more than 20 students enrolled at First year since 1991 with a record no of 53 in the year 1990-2000. Post attaining autonomy the Department still continues to thrive, this can be attribute to the fact that students find Geology very fascinating and it also reflects on the efforts put in by the Department over the years to satisfy the interest of the students with respect to learning the subject by organising various activities such as Fieldtrips, to better acquaint the students with practical knowledge apart from classroom teaching. The Department have over the years produced several graduates who have gone ahead and achieved great heights in the various specialized fields of geology be it Petroleum, Mining, Research, Gem Testing, Government sector, Private sector etc. We take a great pride in the achievements of our alumni so here below we are featuring a few of our many notable Alumni.


If you are one of our alumni, please take a few minutes to fill the alumni form here is the link


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