Episode 1: Going beyond the visible horizon: In a candid chat with Mr. Rizlen Quadros, our alumni pursuing higher studies abroad.

Name: Rizlen Quadros Batch: 2019 Course: Petroleum Engineering Current Institute: Heriot Watt University Malaysia. I didn't start thinking about study abroad until one of the lecturer, Akshay Kelkar, suggested that the quality of higher education and job prospects are much better abroad . After talking to my parents about this they supported the idea of studying abroad since it would provide better job opportunities. So currently I'm doing my MSc in Petroleum Engineering at Heriot Watt University Malaysia. The decision to join at HWU was last minute. My choice of country was the UK at first but due to financial conditions had to scrap the idea. Applying for Malaysia was suggested by my older brother since it was an Asian country where cost of living is relatively lower than UK. The other benefit was that the university is UK based and the degree received is from UK. Source of funding is from my parents and older brother. The thought of applying for a stude...