Episode 1: Going beyond the visible horizon: In a candid chat with Mr. Rizlen Quadros, our alumni pursuing higher studies abroad.

Name: Rizlen Quadros
Batch: 2019
Course: Petroleum Engineering

I didn't start thinking about study abroad until one of the lecturer, Akshay Kelkar, suggested that the quality of higher education and job prospects are much better abroad. After talking to my parents about this they supported the idea of studying abroad since it would provide better job opportunities. So currently I'm doing my MSc in Petroleum Engineering at Heriot Watt University Malaysia.

The decision to join at HWU was last minute. My choice of country was the UK at first but due to financial conditions had to scrap the idea. Applying for Malaysia was suggested by my older brother since it was an Asian country where cost of living is relatively lower than UK. The other benefit was that the university is UK based and the degree received is from UK. Source of funding is from my parents and older brother. The thought of applying for a student loan or searching for any scholarships didn't cross my mind since the process of acquiring one is quite complicated. I would also like to mention that it would be unwise to take a loan since they charge a high interest rate while giving false assurances that the student himself would be able to pay the loan while studying.

The infrastructure is world class level. The teachers here are quite qualified for the job and usually have industry experience. The teaching methodologies aren't much different from what I'm used to but the top notch infrastructure makes quite a difference. My accommodation is my own room which I have rented (not affiliated to the university). I have to cook my own meals or order them online. The university also has 4 cafeterias with a variety of choices at reasonable prices. Everyday expenses are from funds sent by my parents. No part time job since I would have to take a permit from the Embassy to apply for a part time job and it’s a tedious process. The initial difficulties would be the lack of proper public transportation in my area. No other difficulty as such since everything is pretty similar to India.

I've come to understand the difference between the mindset of people coming from different countries. Living alone has also presented me with some challenges which I had to adapt to. Advantages of studying here would be that there is a comparatively lesser competition since the population is quite small. Quality of education is much better abroad and facilities available to assist in studying are quite good. The university also has an online service which enables students to talk to alumni. Getting a degree from a reputed university helps a lot when applying for a job, especially in top companies which are usually shareholders of reputed universities. So I would recommend studying abroad BUT ONLY IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT since there is no guarantee that you will get a job as soon as you graduate.

Currently I've been thinking of settling in Malaysia since the weather here is quite pleasant, good roads, nice people and low taxes. The country also has a variety of Asian restaurants. As someone who is studying petroleum engineering I would recommend the amount of content being taught in the elective petroleum geology be increased and the course content be revised so as to include newer tools which are being used currently in the industry. 

-- Rizlen Quadros
Interviewed by: Amberly Silva(TyBsc)  and Rakhi Dessai (TyBsc)


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