Internship: Mr. Shahbaz Nandihalli shares his experience at Dip Direction, Curchorem Goa

Dip Direction is a Geotechnical services company, founded in 2013 in Goa, India. The
company has business interest in Borewell drilling, Geophysical Exploration, Engineered
Water Solutions and Mines & Minerals.

Electrical resistivity survey (CRM AUT0-C)

I wanted to intern with a very flexible company dealing with ground water exploration in Goa and neighbouring states. Also, to grab the opportunity of gaining experience of class study and practical knowledge/ physically working and studying an area suitable for drilling. 

We first had an introductory session. During our internship we first had class teaching in which we cleared our doubts, basics were cleared, later all the concepts of exploration and mechanisms were explained which was helpful in field, we also learnt how to properly use Clinometer and Brunton compass. In these internships we covered Theory, field visit, mine visit, geophysical exploration of ground water, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, drilling, litho logging, pump selection and pump installation and data interpretation. We also learnt the two major components that are pre-field study, and post-field study. Our internship went step by step in which first we had field site visit where we had to identify the outcrop, take sample and had to give inferences. Later sir took us for various sites like electromagnetic, electrical resistivity surveys where we were responsible to carry out the survey, we also learnt how to be a team and how to divide work wisely.  It was really amazing to handle different instruments like, PQWT, CRM AUTO-C etc and to make conclusions out of readings profile provided by the instruments. We also visited different mining pits and sites to have a look of specific geological features. Lastly, we supervised some of the drilling sites and came to know the mechanism of drilling. 

Sample collection 

During survey we faced challenges like, animal disturbance, unavailability of land, hot climate, hard surface, steep areas etc but still we manage to complete our work because of team efforts and our sir helped us a lot. We had to walk a lot during a field visit and had to climb, jump also we had to be more careful about vehicles passing by us, it was very exhausting and tiring day. During drilling we used to get many complaints of sound by neighbours and even sometimes you have to be ready to face the local authorities.

I can honestly say that working as a intern in Dip Direction which is the best company which provides its services in ground water exploration was an amazing and very helpful experience for me, it has provided me lot of information which worth’s a lot. I learnt many things during my internship period I would love to continue there in future, I gained practical knowledge and many skills like, communication, leadership qualities, approach towards field, handling different instruments and how to overcome field challenges and many more. It has motivated me for my future and has given me a taste of field jobs.

Contributed by: Shahbaz Nandihalli


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